Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Simple Tips to Make Working at Home Simply More Relaxing

Simple Tips to Make Working at Home Simply More Relaxing

Simple Tips to Make Working at Home Simply More Relaxing


Listen to Tunes.  Music has a fascinating ability to connect with our inner rhythm.  It can effectively stimulate the creative process or simply be used to tone down the harshness of being inside all day.  Either way, enjoying the music that makes you happy at your own pace and your own volume is one of the relaxing perks of working at home.


Create a stimulating environment.  While “stimulating” and “relaxing” are often considered polar opposites, working in an environment that encourages creativity and good workflow does develop a synergy of peacefulness.  Browse the net for color, furniture, and décor ideas that will make your home office cozy and comfortable.


Treat yourself to thermal therapy.  Working in a home office that is just the right temperature is relaxing indeed.  For some, this might be impossible, but using a space heater and a small window air conditioning unit are all you need to get started.  Plus, you’ll be able to save bundles by shutting down the rest of the house while you’re working solo in the office.


Stretch those eyes.  Nothing is more fatiguing than the eye strain caused by staring point blank at a computer monitor all day long.  Relax your eyes and keep your vision healthy by working in 45 minute blocks.  Between work blocks, try looking out the window at distant objects for a few minutes to stretch your eyes.


Soothe yourself with aromatherapy.  Help achieve a peaceful and relaxing environment by burning a pleasantly scented candle.  Try something seasonal and mood altering.  For example, in the coldest months of winter, I find my tropical coconut candle virtually transports my mind to a much more relaxing place.


Stay in alignment.  Home business owners usually spend a great deal of their time sitting in their home office chair.  This is no place to be thrifty.  Invest in a good chair to keep your body in correct alignment and you’ll save many of the aches and pains that come with the territory.  Another idea is to try sitting on an exercise ball for a few hours every day – the constant balancing action can really help posture and muscle tone.


Avoid clutter.  Nothing is more distracting than an office full of clutter – we all know the last thing we need for our home businesses is more distraction.  Ideally, your workspace should only contain the one single thing you’re currently working with.  It’s just much more relaxing working without a field of view full of stuff.


Stay hydrated.  Keeping a mug of water handy not only nourishes and replenishes our body, but it also helps us fight off the distracting urge to get up and snag a snack.  After all, water is one of the most soothing elements we have.


Keep a work zone.  Maintain separate work space for your home business.  When there, work only.  Otherwise, the persistent urge to try and juggle household chores along with work responsibilities will always be pulling you away from your business, exponentially increasing the stress factor.

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