Sunday, September 19, 2010

Vinyl Shutters: the Wood Shutter Alternative

Vinyl Shutters: the Wood Shutter Alternative

Vinyl shutters have really come a long way when it comes to popularity. Traditionally, exterior shutters were made from natural wood (mostly pine). This was due to the fact that before the industrial revolution plastics were not available and wood was the least expensive option for windows – in fact, exterior shutters were invented because at the time using glass for window coverings was not economical.

However, times have changed and the vinyl exterior shutter is here. This is now the least expensive option and is also the least amount of maintenance. Some vinyl shutters such as the Alcoa Vintage series even come very close to the natural wood look and feel.

Selecting Your Exterior Shutter Style

The style of vinyl exterior shutters you select boils down to personal preference, but there are other things to consider such as your region and neighborhood, the style of your home, and your budget.

There are 3 basic styles of exterior vinyl shutters to choose from, and each has multiple variations.

1. Louvered Shutters

2. Raised Panel Shutters

3. Board and Batten Shutters

Measure Your Windows for Vinyl Exterior Shutters

Measuring your windows for exterior shutters also has a lot to do with the area you live in. For example, it is common in New England to use exterior shutters that are the same size as the window, rather than extending all the way from the top to the bottom of the window trim. There are also other factors such as whether you are installing on brick or stone, how close the windows are together, and how close the windows are to obstructions such as lights and down spouts.

Measuring Windows for Vinyl Exterior Window Shutters has more in depth advice about how to make the correct measurement for your vinyl exterior shutters.

Deciding Between Standard Sized and Custom Shutters

Another factor to consider when measuring your windows is whether you can save a little money by ordering standard sized shutters, or whether your home (and preference) would be best suited for custom shutters.

Standard sized shutters are pre-molded to specific sizes that are usually around 12″ and 15″ in width and come in sizes that are approximately every 3 or 4 inches in height. This is a bit like a “one size fits all” solution, where there are often times where that size just won’t work.

Custom shutters are assembled after you order them and are available in several widths and in heights that are usually in either 1/4″ or 1″ increments. Ordering custom shutters gives you a lot more flexibility for a little extra expense.

Choosing Between Standard and Custom Exterior Vinyl Shutters provides more details on how to make the decision which exterior shutters are right for you.

Choose the Color of your Vinyl Exterior Shutters

Choosing the color of vinyl exterior shutters depends on factors such as whether you are willing to paint the exterior shutters (and repaint as often as you paint your house), what manufacturer the shutters come from, whether your house is a dark or a light color, and whether you are concerned about “water spots” when it rains.

Installing your Exterior Shutters

Installing vinyl exterior shutters can be done in a matter of a few hours with simple tools such as a hammer and a drill. While some people prefer to have their exterior shutters professionally installed, with exterior vinyl shutters there is no need – simply do it yourself.

After you have installed your vinyl exterior shutters, take a few steps back from the house and see what you have accomplished!

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